
Although Steve Jobs has sadly passed away, he will always leave a legacy of invention that has changed the way we interact with each other and with technology forever. And while he is no longer with us, for the next few years, products with Steve’s name on them will be released by Apple, further solidifying his genius.  Throughout his life, he was said to approach situations unconventionally, and it was that very thing that set him apart from everyone else.  in 1976, he sold the first Apple computer called the Apple II

A Centuries from now Steve Jobs will be remembered for his great innovations in the computer hardware and software industry. He ushered the new light of personal information into the world, mass produced it, made it fly and coupled it with new forms of entertainment. Invention of Apple computer by Jobs changed the people's idea of a computer from a gigantic and inscrutable mass of vacuum tubes only used by big business and the government to a small box used by ordinary people. Having 43 issued US patents on inventions, He was one of those greatly inventors who lead the technological development to the current stage. One of his great gifts was the ability to understand the technology from both an engineer's and a user's perspective, that lead him to those great innovations.

Steve was a visionary, who always followed his gut and his heart. an inspiration to so many people and changed our interactions as humans forever